BSDS Research Sub-Group
The BSDS Research Sub-Group was originally set up in 2013 by Dr Walayat Hussain, following discussions over several years about the need for a research sub-group to encourage, facilitate and coordinate research across the UK and Ireland.
Current members of the research sub-group are:
- Dr Rachel Abbott, Cardiff University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Dr Alistair Brown, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
- Dr Claudia DeGiovanni, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Dr Emma Craythorne, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Richard Jerrom, Leicester University Hospitals NHS Trust / Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust
- Dr Paul Gazzani, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust
- Dr Toby Nelson, Plymouth NHS Trust
- Dr Tom Oliphant, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Emma Pynn, Cardiff University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Dr David Veitch, St Michaels Clinic Shropshire
- Dr Aaron Wernham, Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust / Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust
- Dr Lia Vetsiou (BSDS Trainee Research Officer), King’s College Hospital
The sub-group will be looking to answer questions related to skin cancer, Mohs micrographic surgery and dermatological surgery. We aim to meet twice yearly to discuss funding opportunities, current research, future research and research gaps. We are currently recruiting a junior representative in training.
Submit a research question for discussion at a future meeting – contact form (if accepted, we will invite you to attend a meeting and present your idea to the group for feedback, guidance and support).