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BSDS UK Mohs surgeons


These Doctors have committed to participate in the BSDS EQA scheme (external quality assurance scheme and have confirmed that they comply with the Mohs Standards 2020 document). This list is current as of July 2024 (Total number = 57) & the EQA Lead: Dr Walayat Hussain. 

Abbott Rachel
Affleck Andrew
Ali Faisal
Al-Rawi Haytham
Anand Rakesh
Aslam Arif
Athavale Preeti
Bhargava Kapil
Birnie Andrew
Bower Christopher
Bray Adam
Brown Alistair
Collins Jemma
Dolan Olivia
Eke Ure
Fenwick Sarah
Garioch Jennifer
Gazzani Paul
Hameed Omair
Hussain Walayat
Jerrom Richard
Kai Anneke
Keohane Steve
Khalid Amina
Lam Minh
Leeman Hayley
Logan Ian
Lonsdale Eccles Ann
Lynch Magnus
Mallipeddi Raj
Mann Jack
Martin-Clavijo Augustin
McGrath Emily
McKenna John
Meys Rhonda
Motley Richard
Naysmith Lisa
Oliphant Tom
Patalay Rakesh
Perkins William
Rajpara Sanjaykumar
Rice Shantini
Roberts Catherine
Samarasinghe Venura
Sega-Hall Geraldine
Shah Dev
Shah Syed
Sharma Ashish
Sharp Andrew
Shergill Bav
Tabor Dominic
Turner Richard
Varma Sandeep
Veitch David
Verykiou Stamatina
Wernham Aaron
Woo Wen Ai
Ziaj Stela