Becoming a Member
Who can join the BSDS?
Membership of the Society is open to physicians, surgeons and nurses with an interest in Dermatological Surgery. For more information on the benefits of membership and membership categories please use the tabs to the left.
How to Apply
To apply please complete the BSDS Membership Application Form here. Please note that BSDS membership is being administered directly by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) and you will be directed to the BAD portal for the membership process.
Membership is £85 per annum for Ordinary, £55 Associate and International Members. £35 for Trainee Members. Please do not enclose any money with your application form as you will be contacted again once your application has been approved.
If you have any further queries regarding membership, please contact [email protected] or call +44(0) 20 34 888 666.
Membership Categories
Ordinary Member
Ordinary membership is offered to Consultant Dermatologists who are on the Dermatology Specialist Register of the General Medical Council of the UK or the Medical Council of Ireland. Ordinary Members have full voting rights.
Trainee Member
Trainee membership is open to all trainees in dermatology in the UK and Ireland holding a National Training Number. Individuals enrolled in a recognised 1-year dermatological surgery fellowship but who are not otherwise trainee members may also be considered. Clinical Fellows in a Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) training programme are also eligible to apply but must provide evidence of their status from their training programme director or equivalent. Trainee Members moving to a short term research post (post CCT) prior to taking up a consultant appointment are also eligible.
When training is complete and the trainee is included on the Dermatology Specialist Register of the General Medical Council of the UK or the Medical Council of Ireland, they will automatically become an Ordinary Member and must notify [email protected]. Trainee Members have full voting rights.
Associate Member
Associate membership is available to interested General Practitioners, Staff, Associate Specialist or Specialty Doctors (SAS), Nurses, or Physician Associates whose work is substantially devoted to Dermatology. PhD students in Dermatology are also eligible. Applicants for Associate Membership must submit a full Curriculum Vitae and must be proposed by two BSDS Ordinary Members from personal knowledge. Associate Members do not have voting rights.
International Member
International membership is available to Consultant Dermatologists who live outside of the UK and Ireland. Applicants for International Membership must submit a full Curriculum Vitae and must be proposed by two BSDS Ordinary Members from personal knowledge. International Members do not have voting rights.
Honorary Member
Honorary members may be nominated by the BSDS Executive Committee. Honorary members do not have voting rights.
Benefits of Membership
- Full access to virtual educational modules with completion certification.
- The opportunity to be part of the largest membership association of UK Dermatological Surgeons
- Access to high quality education in dermatology and skin surgery, including priority notice of all forthcoming BSDS organised courses and events
- Access to all areas of the BSDS website including case studies, online newsletter, minutes of Executive and Annual General meetings and BSDS discussion forum
- Free attendance at BSDS Bi-annual Clinical Meetings. These meetings bring you the latest information on a range of clinical and research breakthroughs, procedures and issues. Meetings are CPD approved.
- Educational opportunities including the BSDS Travelling Fellowship and BSDS annual awards
- A bi-annual BSDS Newsletter which includes Society news updates, case studies, developments and more.
- Members discounts on society products including a special subscription rate to the Journal of Dermatological Surgery; a print and online professional journal dedicated to dermatologists
- The ability to influence how dermatology and skin surgery is delivered in the UK, both at national and local level. BSDS Executive Committee members work on your behalf and in conjunction with the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) to shape policy and regulatory practices which impact on the way you work
- BSDS Annual General Meeting and Annual Scientific meetings which have a strong educational, clinical and regional content and feature highly influential speakers