NICE accredited – Mohs Micrographic Surgery Services (MMS) Service Guidance and Standards 2020
The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) and the British Society for Dermatological Surgery (BSDS), as the providers of the vast majority of Mohs activity in the UK and Ireland, recognised the need for a National set of guidelines and service standards for the setting up and management of an MMS service. Together with the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Royal College of Pathologists, British Society of Dermatopathology, British Oculoplastic Surgery Society and ENT UK we have produced these standards for Mohs surgery after a long period of development, multi-stakeholder involvement and consultation defining gold standard practice for MMS within the UK, as accredited by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). CLICK HERE
Mohs Surgery Minimum Data Set
Dr Colin Fleming, past BSDS President, has devised a Mohs Surgery Minimum Data Set which seeks to put into place a basic measurement of care which can be used for individual departmental audit and comparison amongst centres.
Access the Mohs Surgery Data Capture Sheet (V3 July 2015) here
Access the Mohs Surgery Data Capture Sheet guidance notes here