37th Annual Surgery Workshop 2021

Oct 1, 2020


Location: Birmingham

Organisers: Dr Irshad Zaki Dr Aaron Wernham and Dr Paul Gazzani

Registration is now Full! please use the form below to go on our waiting list.  To view the Programme and further information please click on the following link: https://www.eventsforce.net/bad/306/home

Please be advised the course is a first come first serve registration basis and only after full payment is your place secure 

The BSDS Annual Surgery Workshop is a long-established training course in skin surgery, now in its 37th consecutive year. Teaching is provided by an experienced faculty which comprises of nationally recognised experts in skin surgery. Presented over 2.5 days, the course material is diverse – consisting of plenary sessions, Q&A panels and hands-on practical work on pig skin. Designed to provide progression for different skill levels, there will be opportunity for one to one tuition, whilst lectures and practicals will cover basic and more advanced aspects of skin surgery.

Delegate Report – 36th Annual Surgery Workshop

The Annual Workshop is aimed at dermatologists, particularly trainees, but also SAS doctors and consultants. Clinicians from other disciplines with an interest in and clinical commitment to skin surgery may also be able to attend.

Course Fees: 

  • Trainee BSDS Members £775.00 (with valid NTN)
  • Trainee Non-members £845.00 (with valid NTN)
  • Associate & SAS Grades £900.00
  • Consultants £975.00
  • GPwSI £975.00
  • Nurses £845.00 (with valid NMC)
  • Overseas £975.00
  • Non-Dermatologists £975.00

Please note: Registration will open in the summer. If your trust will be paying please obtain their PO number (Purchase Order) prior to signing up. You will not be able to register without it.

What is NTN or NMC?:  NTN= National Training Number. Issued to Trainees NMC: Nursing and Midwife Council. For Practicing Nurses.

Accommodation –

Please note this is a non-residential course – Delegates are responsible for their own accommodation costs.

If you have any queries, please send an email to [email protected].

Registration is now full. Please fill out the form to join our waiting list.

Register your interest

Event enquiry form